Trivia About Beverages: Coffee, Tea, Beer & Booze

Free Trivia Questions About Beverages: Coffee, Tea, Beer & Booze

Learn what ingredients go in a Mojito, how Peruvians get rid of altitude sickness and the urban dictionary definition of when a man places his testicles on another human. These free trivia questions about beverages: coffee, tea, beer & booze should wet your whistle. If you have other trivia questions you want to add about coffee enemas, beer goggles, drinking games, or tea parties, please include the questions in the comments below.

Part 1: Coffee Trivia

Enjoy these free trivia questions about coffee. Did you know that it is thought that the original coffee bean was found in Ethiopia, then transported to the middle east, and then the rest of the world from there?

1. An Aztec Mocha includes cinnamon and cayenne pepper, What language is the common tongue of the Aztecs?


2. Traditionally, a cappuccino cup will never be more than this many ounces?


3. Besides the font, what image are you looking at when you look at the Starbucks logo?

A two tailed mermaid or a Siren

4. What brand leads the US in sales of regular ground coffee?


5. These 3 ingredients make up the Cappuccino and latte, its just that the ratios are a bit different?

Espresso, Steamed milk, foamed milk

6. What country produces the most amount of coffee in the world? (Hint, Frank Sinatra sings a song about it)

Brazil (next is Vietnam)

7. How many calories does a shot of espresso have?

between 0 and 3

8. What is the only state in the US that commercially grows coffee?


9. What coffee company’s slogan is – “Good to the last drop”?

Maxwell House

10. Before you get the brown/black coffee beans at the store, they are actually the pit of a berry that is what color when ripe?


Part 2: Tea Trivia

Enjoy these free trivia questions about tea. Did you know that green tea and black tea are actually made from the same plant?

1. Besides the color what is the main, specific difference between white and black tea?

Black tea is fully fermented

2. What country drinks the most tea (total amount, not per capita)


3. What man led the Boston tea party in 1773?

Samuel Adams

4. What are the balls made of in Bobba or Bubble tea?


5. This type of tea in Columbia and Peru is said to give you energy and reduce the impacts of altitude sickness.

Coca tea. The same plant that makes cocaine

6. Butter tea is a common beverage consumed by people living in and around the Himalayas that use this type of butter for their tea.


7. This is the slang term commonly associated with a man placing his testicles on the forehead or mouth of another, willing or unwilling partner.

Tea bagging

8. What ingredient turns a chai tea into a dirty chai?


9.  If you are making Psilocybin tea you are probably using this main ingredient?

Mushrooms… as in magic mushrooms

10. The tea party is a U.S. political movement that can be summed up by wanting less of this.


Part 3: Beer Trivia

We hope you enjoy these free trivia questions about beer. Did you know that the oldest brewery in the U.S. is Yuengling & Son, which was established in 1829 and is located in Pottsville, Pennsylvania?

1. What beer commercial seasonally features a palm tree with Christmas lights?


2. What Indian lager takes the name of a water bird?

King Fisher

3. When making beer, what is the name of the liquid that is drained after the mashing process?


4. This is the oldest beer brand in Japan?


5. What is the Guinness book of records fastest time recorded for opening 2000 beer bottles (2016) ?

23 min 55s

6. What two ingredients are required for a brass monkey?

Beer & Orange Juice

7.  In the movie Super Troopers, what type of beer does Farva order 6 of at the open bar at the event where the Governor makes her speech.


8. What 3 ingredients are required for an Irish car bomb?

Stout (Guinees), Irish cream (bailey’s), & Irish whiskey (Jameson)

9.What large beer maker owns Michelob?

Anheuser Busch

10. What beer brand came out with a custom can for almost every football team?

Bud Light

Part 4: Booze Trivia

We hope you enjoy these free trivia question about booze. Did you know that brain to starts to react to alcohol in just 6 minutes?

1. What is the main booze in an Old Fashion?


2. Sex on the beach consists of vodka, cran, peach schnapps and OJ.  Sex on Bondi Beach occurs in what city?

Sydney, Australia

3.  Why is Anejo tequila darker than Blanco?

It is aged longer in oak barrels

4. Drinking booze was outlawed in 1920.  What year was prohibition repealed in the US?


5. What is the main alcoholic ingredient in a Tom Collins?


6. A Manhattan consists of whiskey, Sweet vermouth and bitters.   How long is the island of Manhattan?

13.4 miles

7. What is the official cocktail of the Kentucky Derby?

Mint Julep

8. Dark N Stormy is made of ginger beer, dark rum and a twist of lime.  The name “Dark ‘N Stormy” is a trademark of this brand of dark rum based in Bermuda.

Gosling Brothers Ltd

9. The Singapore sling consists of gin, Pineapple juice, Grenadine, lime, bitters and a few other ingredients.  What country sits just north of Singapore?


10. According to the International Bartender’s Association, What are the 5 ingredients in a Mojito?

Mint, Lime juice, Sugar, Soda Water, White Rum

Well, did you learn anything new from these free trivia questions about beverages: coffee, tea, beer & booze? We hope so. We strive to provide information about the random, absurd, and deviant. And yes… we understand that just like in bar trivia, there are those who wish to contest the answers or give their unsolicited opinions about whether or not the questions are fair, accurate or displeasing.

At the bar we can publicly denounce you as a heckler and shame you into taking your seat. On the internet, it is not so easy. So with that in mind, if you have comments, heckles or unsolicited feedback, there is room for it below. Just don’t be a dick about it!