Work Trivia: Office Jobs, Non-Office Jobs, Songs About Work, and Movies About Work

free trivia questions about work and the office

Learn about boring things like technologies that help us work on a computer, fun things like the professions of Nintendo game characters, and in general, why people dread going to work. These free trivia questions about work: office jobs, non-office jobs, songs about work, and movies about work will hopefully make you feel good once you realize that most of pop culture describes work as a chore and something we all wish we did not have to do. If you have other trivia questions or fun facts about work, office politics or just want to gripe about why your job sucks, please share your stories in the comments below.

Part 1: Trivia About The Office And Office Jobs

Did you know that in the show The Office, Jim and Pam’s first kiss was John Krasinski’s first on-screen kiss? Enjoy these free trivia questions about the office and office jobs.

1. What profession is someone in if they know Java script & Ruby on Rails?

Developer or Coder

2. While not as important any more, WPM used to be an important part of someone’s resume. What does WPM stand for?

Words Per Minute

3. What electronic file storing company is built specifically for businesses and competes against Google Drive and DropBox?


4. What company owns Photoshop?


5. Quickbooks is software that predominantly helps people in this department.


6. What does EOD stand for?

End of Day

7. What is the name of the email tool that comes with Microsoft office?


8. Having a casual conversation with a coworker in an office, for some reason is, associated with this dispenser.

Water cooler

9. Your HR department might have a D&I division that focuses on making sure all walks of life and perspectives are represented in your workforce. What does D&I stand for?

Diversity and Inclusion

10. White collar jobs describe office workers who generally work in front of a computer. Who does Orange collar jobs refer to?

Prison laborers

Part 2: Trivia About Non-Office Jobs

Did you know that in 2010 in Utah, when they used firing squads as a method for executing inmates on death row, executioners were all volunteers as opposed to workers paid for the job? Yup, they were police officers who were great marksmen. Enjoy these free trivia questions about non office jobs.

1.  If you are leading a group of scuba divers underwater, what is your job title?

Dive Master

2. A person with this job title must be aware of switches, partings, breaks and cars.

Train Engineer

3. A person in this profession must be familiar with Chuck, Flank and Round.


4. Luigi and his bother Mario were both this type of professional.


5. A Mortician’s job is to dress and preserve a dead body for viewing at a funeral. The professional name for the dead body is known as what?


6. If you are in this profession you know about slip n slides, Carousel Kick and Carousel-Straddle; Open-V Spin.


7. Name 3 slang names for a prostitute (not to be confused with someone who is just loose)?

hooker, night walker, whore, hoe, gigolo, call girl, woman of the night, lot lizard… the list goes on.

8. What is the official name of someone who repairs shoes?


9.  This professional must be aware of a strong side, a neutral zone and hashmarks.

Football player

10. This type of comedic entertainer must have knowledge of mutton busting & breakaway roping.

Rodeo Clown

Part 3: Trivia About Songs About Work

You probably have heard of the band Men at Work and their song, Land Down Under. Did you know that in that song they reference some Aussie terms that refer to a “fried out Kombi” and a “head full of zombie.” Well, a fried out Kombi is a broken down VW van and a head full of zombie refers to someone who is really high off weed. The more you know…. We hope you enjoy these free trivia questions about songs about work.

1. Who sings the song 9 to 5, which came out for the 1980 movie?

Dolly Parton

2. Loverboy sings as song about “everybody working for the ________”


3. What is the name of the song by, Donna Summer, about an exhausted bathroom attendant.

“She Works Hard For The Money”

4. Who owns the farm Bob Dylan does not want to work at?


5. What’s the name of the song with these lyrics “And if your train’s on time, you can get to work by nine, and start your slaving job to get your pay?”

“Takin’ Care of Business”

6.  Complete this lyric. “I don’t want to work…”

“I just want to bang on the drum all day”

7.  In the song 16 Tons, who does he owe his soul to? 

The Company Store

8. What outlaw country star sings Working Man Blues?

Merle Haggard

9.  What song includes the lyrics, “so why on Earth should I moan” and “I should be sleeping like a log” ?

“A Hard Day’s Night”

10. Country music singer Johnny Paycheck sings this song about taking a job and doing this with it.

Shoving it

Part 4: Trivia About Movies About Work

Did you know that the guy who created Beavis and Butthead is the same guy who created the film Office Space? He has a cameo in the film too where he plays the manager at Chotchkie’s, Stan, where he has a chat with Joanna (Jennifer Aniston) and she quits. We hope you enjoy these free trivia questions about movies about work.

1. Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg get things done on the job in this film about 2 police officers.

The Other Guys

2. TPS reports, Channel 9, and a red Swingline stapler are all references from this film.

Office Space

3.  Harrison Ford and Melanie Griffith co-star in this movie about office politics.

Working Girl

4. Jason Batemen, Charlie Day, and Jason Sudeikis star in this film about leadership.

Horrible Bosses

5. What is the name of the character from the movie Wall Street who says “Greed is Good”

Gordon Gecko

6. Tom Hanks becomes big and gets an office job at a toy company.  What is the name of the machine he made a wish on?


7. This movie directed by Kevin Smith is about people working behind a counter.


8. This movie about working in a restaurant includes stars such as Luis Guzman, Ryan Reynolds and Dane Cook.


9. Julia Roberts stars in this 80’s movie about working at a pizza joint.

Mystic Pizza

10. The quotes “Put that coffee down!! Coffee’s for closers only.” & “Always be closing” were made famous by this film.

Glengarry Glen Ross

Well, did you learn anything new from these free trivia questions about work: office jobs, non-office jobs, songs about work, and movies about work We hope so. We strive to provide information about the random, absurd, and deviant. And yes… we understand that just like in bar trivia, there are those who wish to contest the answers or give their unsolicited opinions about whether or not the questions are fair, accurate or displeasing.

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