Sex Trivia: Human Sex, Animal Sex, Flower Sex, and Dog Breeds

Free Trivia Questions About Sex

Sex is at the center of everything important and fun. Family, first kisses, puppies, dirty dancing, cunnilingus… After reading these free sex trivia questions you won’t know how to do it better, but you will at least know things about the clit, how different animals do it, and the most popular dog breeds. Hope you enjoy these free trivia questions about sex: human sex, animal sex, flower sex, and dog breeds.

Part 1: Trivia About Sex

Back in the day, we had to watch the show Degrassi Junior High in middle school to learn about sex ed. Did you know the artist Drake was in that show too? Can’t say the show (or Drake) taught me a whole lot… but then again, internet porn was not a thing yet, so that’s all we had. Enjoy these free trivia questions about sex.

1. If a mother gives birth to dizygotic twins, then are the twins fraternal, or identical?


2. This human sexual position is kind of a backwards, western take on the traditional straddling technique.

Reverse Cowgirl

3. When a woman considers getting her tubes tied for contraceptive purposes, what tubes is she talking about? Spelling counts

Fallopian tubes

4. What is the name of the human species and sub species?

Homo sapien sapien

5. A single sperm cell contains roughly this many Megabytes of DNA information (that we know about) Within 10.

37.5MB To give you perspective, the average load contains over 15 terabytes of data.

6. Before males get the chromosomes they need to become males, their penises were actually these, in the womb?


7. The British Journal of Urology International released a study on average male penis size.  Within 1/2 an inch, what is the average length of a male penis? If you go over, you get it wrong.

5.16 inches

8.  According to urban dictionary, this human sexual maneuver refers to the delicately balanced art of getting your cock sucked while taking a dump.


9. This part of the male anatomy is responsible for bringing sperm to the urethra.

Vas Deferens

10. According to a study, when a couple engages in this sexual practice, the risk of their child suffering from an early death, serious birth defect, or mental disability increases to almost 50 percent.


Part 2: Trivia Animal Sex

Ya know, Eminem once said:

…Of course they’re gonna know what intercourse is
By the time they hit fourth grade
They’ve got the Discovery Channel, don’t they?
We ain’t nothin’ but mammals—well, some of us, cannibals
Who cut other people open like cantaloupes
But if we can hump dead animals and antelopes
Then there’s no reason that a man and another man can’t elope…

Hope you enjoy these free trivia questions about Animal Sex.

1.  Because their one purpose is to inseminate the queen, after ejaculating, the penises of the male drones of this species explode and they die.

Honey Bee

2. One of the most difficult issues keeping zoos from breeding these large animals in captivity, is that the females are in heat for only 1-3 days out of the year.  Suppose that is why they are on the endangered list too.


3. This tall animal tastes the urine of his female mate to see when she is in heat.


4. This species can often get stuck to each other after mating.  This is because the penis in this species actually has a bone, and during intercourse, the tip of the penis becomes swollen inside the female, and is unable to be removed until the swelling subsides.


5. Part of these creatures’ mating ritual includes the males holding the females underwater.  10% of the females actually die because of this practice.

Sea Otters

6.  The females of this species will lure a male mate for sexual relations and when she is done, she will bite of her partner’s head.

Praying Mantis

7. This North American animal will mate in the air in a free fall.

Bald Eagle

8. This animal has a vagina with a few false, dead-end chambers to prevent unwanted sexual advances from resulting in pregnancy.  The males of the same species have corkscrew-shaped penises to try and help them find the right hole.


9.  The females in this class of mammals have 3 vaginas.


10. This term refers to the practice of selectively breeding and raising livestock to promote desirable traits in animals for utility, sport, pleasure, or research.

Animal Husbandry

Part 3: Plant Sex

Did you know that when you smell a flower you are actually dismembering a plant’s sex organs. Yup, you are nose-fucking a plant. Hope you enjoy these trivia questions about plant sex.

1. What is the pollen-producing part of the flower called, or as I like to call it, the flower penis?


2. What liquid substance do plants create to attract animals to their flowers to aid in pollination?


3. A tumbleweed would be an example of a plant evolving to use this vector to help disperse their seeds?


4. Name 3 natural vectors for seed dispersal?

Wind, Animals, Water, Gravity

5.  Aspens, hops, ginger and bamboo all reproduce asexually and so they are considered these.


6.  In the anatomy of a plant seed, this is the name of the leaves that first shoot out of the seed and provides nutrients to the seed before it can photosynthesize.


7.  Bees are highly desirable pollinators. What color can bees not see?


8. What type of tree do the largest seeds come from?

Palm Trees

9.  In what part of the plant are all of the sex organs contained ?

The Flower

10. What is the tallest member of the grass family?


Part 4: Trivia Dog Breeds

Did you know that

Enjoy these free trivia questions about dog breeds

1. This dog was bred for protecting royalty in Feudal Japan.


2. This breed was developed in England as a hunting dog to chase down small prey such as rabbits, and was also the star in the movie Shiloh.


3.  Name the top 3 most popular dog breeds.

Lab, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever

4. What breeds of dog were the two that stared in the movie Homeward Bound?

Golden Retriever (Shadow) and American Bulldog (Chance)

5. This breed has a French name which means curly lap dog.

Bichon Frise

6. The name of this Chinese dog breed almost sounds like a brand of pen.


7. The Dogue De Bordeaux breed co-starred with Tom Hanks in this 1989 movie.

Turner and Hooch

8. This large breed was also featured in Sound Garden’s Black Hole Sun Music video.

Great Dane

9. What type of breed was Rin Tin Tin?

German Shepherd

10. Christopher Guest directed this film about professional breeders in the year 2000.

Best in Show

Well, did you learn anything new from these free trivia questions about sex: human sex, animal sex, flower sex, and dog breeds? We hope so. We strive to provide information about the random, absurd, and deviant. And yes… we understand that just like in bar trivia, there are those who wish to contest the answers or give their unsolicited opinions about whether or not the questions are fair, accurate or displeasing.

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