Animal Trivia: Animals in TV, Animal Expressions, North American Animals, and Animals in the Movies

Free Trivia Questions About Animals

Who doesn’t love learning about animals?! These trivia questions will give you some context into how animals impact our culture. These free trivia questions about animals: animals in TV, animal expressions, North American animals, and animals in the movies will help you realize just how much animals and humans are intertwined. If you have other trivia questions or fun facts about animals or want to share how animals have impacted your life, please share your stories in the comments below.

Part 1: Trivia About Animals on TV

Did you know that the dog in the show Full House was named Comet? Yeah, who cares, we know that is useless… But maybe you did not know that Golden Retrievers were bred in Scotland as hunting dogs. Enjoy these free trivia questions about Animals on TV.

1. What is the name of the horse’s master in the show Mr. Ed?

Wilber Post (Note, the actor also played the voice of Scrooge McDuck)

2. What was the name of Gargamel’s cat in the show the Smurfs?


3. Rosie was the name of the maid in the Jetsons. What was the name of the dog?


4. What state was the show Flipper supposed to be in?


5. This Looney Toons character is best known for being a large rooster from the south.

Foghorn Leghorn

6. What type of dog was Lassie?

Rough Collie

7. What is the character name of the terrier in the TV show Frasier?


8. What Famous Western character rides a horse with the name of Silver?

Lone Ranger

9. This pet is fond of dry martinis, has a crush on his owner’s wife, and is a struggling and aspiring writer.

Brian Griffin

10. What region of the US is Bugs Bunny’s accent from?

New York (Bronx/Brooklyn)

Part 2: Trivia About Animal Expressions

Did you know that the phrase got your goat refers to horse racing? You see, horses in individual stalls get nervous when they are alone. So to calm their nerves, horse owners would put a goat in their stalls. If someone gets your goat, they are trying to get you anxious… just like the horse would. The more you knoooow… 🙂

In this section, we will explain what the animal-related expression is, and you have to offer the animal-related expression.

Example: Misleading Clue? – Red Herring

Enjoy these free trivia questions about animal expressions.

1. Which animal-related expression is used to describe something that is too big to ignore?

Elephant in the room

2. Which animal expression is used to express when someone is suddenly quiet?

Clam Up

3. What is an expression for someone who anxiously can’t sit still?

Ants in the pants

4. What is an animal expression for truck stop prostitutes?

Lot Lizards

5. Tired Feet?

Barking Dogs

6. Elated Mollusks?

Happy as a clam

7. Eavesdropping indoors?

Fly on the wall

8. An unsuspecting or hidden treacherous person?

Snake in the grass

9.  Straight-line from point A to B?

As the crow flies

10. Abrupt Cessation?

Cold Turkey

Part 3: North American Animal Trivia

Did you know that North American wolves stay with their mates for life? Although it is usually the alpha male who gets his pick and then the rest have to raise the pups. Wonder how many wolf virgins are out there who never make it to alpha status? Food for thought… We hope you enjoy these free trivia questions about North American animals.

1. What is the largest land predator in North America?

Grizzly Bear

2. What bird builds the largest tree nests in North America?

Bald Eagle

3. This species’ range, from the Canadian Yukon to the southern Andes of South America, is the greatest of any large wild terrestrial mammal in the Western Hemisphere.

Mountain Lion

4. What is the largest domestic land mammal in North America?

American Bison or Buffalo

5. A sea-hawk (as in the Seattle Seahawks) is the common name for this specific type of North American raptor.


6.  There are two different species of Alligators:  American Alligators and Alligators from this other country.


7.  This State’s NHL team took on the name of a cousin from the grey wolf.

Arizona Coyotes

8. The jaguar is said to have ranged from South America to the southern States of the US. Where does the Jaguar rank in size compared to the other families (feline) of cat?

3rd. Lions and Tigers are bigger

9.  What is the less festive name for the reindeer?


10. What is the largest rodent in North America?


Part 4: Trivia About Animals in Movies

Did you know that a woman spent over $50K in plastic surgery to look like Jessica Rabbit? We hope you enjoy these free trivia questions about animals in the movies.

1. Name the 3 main animals in Homeward Bound.

Chance, Shadow, and Sassy

2. This type of animal was featured in this 4-part movie series.  The 2nd movie was called “The Adventure Home” The 3rd movie was called “The Rescue” and the 4th was called “Escape From Pirates Cove”

A Killer Whale or Orca – Free Willy

3.  Who is the female lead in the movie Sharknado?

Tara Reid

4. This movie involves a cat names Orion, who holds a precious resource on her collar.

Men In Black

5. Farmer Hogget owns this unique animal who can herd sheep.


6. Who plays the leading male role in Snakes on a Plane?

Samuel L. Jackson

7. What type of dog is Beethoven?

St. Bernard

8. This movie is about a golden retriever who plays basketball.

Air Bud

9. This mixed breed dog had his debut in the ’70s and even did movies such as “Oh Heavenly Dog” with Chevy Chase.


10. What was the name of the Fat Rat in Charlotte’s web who sings about being a smorgasbord?


Well, did you learn anything new from these free trivia questions about animals: animals in TV, animal expressions, North American animals, and animals in the movies? We hope so. We strive to provide information about the random, absurd, and deviant. And yes… we understand that just like in bar trivia, there are those who wish to contest the answers or give their unsolicited opinions about whether or not the questions are fair, accurate or displeasing.

At the bar we can publicly denounce you as a heckler and shame you into taking your seat. On the internet, it is not so easy. So with that in mind, if you have comments, heckles or unsolicited feedback, there is room for it below. Just don’t be a dick about it!