Technology Trivia: Movies about tech, Hardware, Software, and Pivotal Tech Moments

Free Trivia Questions about Technology

Learn what VHS stands for, why steam engines were created and what tech movie shows Angelina Jolie’s Boobs. These free trivia questions about technology trivia: movies about tech, hardware, software, and pivotal tech moments will help you realize how far we have come as an industrialized world, and whether or not we were better off without the internet. If you have other trivia questions about interesting technology, please share them in the comments below.

Part 1: Trivia About Tech Movies

Did you know that Terminator 2 won best special effects in 1991 and was the first film where one of the main characters was developed using Computer Graphics? Enjoy these free trivia questions about tech movies.

1. What company does Lumberg work for?


2. What was the name of Morpheous’ ship in the matrix? 


3. The characters in this movie go by their aliases Acid Burn and Crash Override. You also see Angelina Jolie’s boobs.


4. In this movie, Mathew Broderick hacks his way into a military computer and almost starts a nuclear war.


5. Which rapper helps Keanu Reeves escape evil in the film Johnny Mnemonic?


6. In this movie, Joaquin Phoenix falls in love with his operating system.


7. In the future in this movie, Earth has become a wasteland, humans are evacuated on to star-ships and there are waste collecting robots that scour the earth, trying to clean it up.


8. Who played the kid in Terminator 2?

Edward Furlong

9. Johnny 5 was the star in this movie?

Short Circuit

10. In this film, aliens send instructions for Earthlings to build a large transport machine so that one representative may be sent to visit the aliens?


Part 2: Trivia About Tech Hardware

Did you know that all cars with a timing belt need to get them replaced every 100K miles or so? The cost can be about $1000. But if your vehicle has a timing chain instead, it will likely last the life of the motor. So don’t buy a used car over 100K miles without checking to see if the timing belt has been replaced. Hope you enjoy these free trivia questions about tech hardware.

1. What does VHS stand for?

Video Home System

2. This device, created by Sony, is what drastically accelerated the adoption of tapes over vinyl.


3. This man is known for the wide spread creation/adoption of a cast steel plow as opposed to the cast-iron plows of the day. 

John Deere

4. What was Nintendo’s 5th console?


5. This device prevents a boat from being blown sideways by the wind, and it holds the ballast that keeps the boat right-side up.


6.  What two elements are combined to create the majority of the steel we use today?

Iron and Carbon

7. What device to physicists use to speed up electrons in a straight line and smash them together?

Linear Particle Accelerator

8. This piece of hardware, invented by the Chinese, was at first used for harmonizing building orientations in accordance with feng shui, and also for fortune-telling.


9.  What was the name of Apple’s first product?

Apple 1

10. What make and model of phone has recently been banned from being carried on planes because they explode?

Samsung Galaxy Note 7

Part 3: Trivia About Software

Did you know that the original Nintendo came with a gun and the game Duck Hunt… where you could shoot ducks that flew across the screen? If you missed, a dog would laugh at you. We hope you enjoy these free trivia questions about software.

1. The original Nintendo was an 8 bit game console.  How many bits did the SNES have?


2. What is the name of IBM’s Artificial intelligence program?


3. The people who wrote this software were aware of the different diseases Louis and Clark could die from, like typhoid fever and dysentery.

Oregon Trail

4. If you are using Gmail, what is the max # of seconds you can set your settings to, so you can un-send a sent email.

30 Seconds

5. What did app did Sean Parker, who was also the first president of Facebook, create that got him in the tech scene?


6.  This piece of communication software, originally named Picaboo, is in the top 10 (2017) most popular social networking tools and recently went public. It’s ticker is the same as its abbreviated name.


7.  Do you know what Fax is short for? Bet you can’t spell that word…


8. What is Amazon’s version of Siri?


9. What was the name of Microsoft’s originally digital encyclopedia?


10. What is the general term for software programs like Linux, Windows, and OSX, which are programs that allow users to easily interface with a computer?

Operating System

Part 4: Trivia About Pivotal Technological Moments

Did you know that is believed that the very first hot dogs were named Dachshund sausages (Yup, like the dog) and were sold in New York’s Coney Island? Just one of the great pivotal tech moments in food. But don’t YouTube how hot dogs are made. Not appetizing…. We hope you enjoy these free trivia question about pivotal moments in technology.

1. What was the first fully digital communication system?

Telegram or Telegraph

2. Who invented the Cotton Gin? 

Eli Whitney

3.  What did Johannes Gutenberg invent, which helped distribute his bibles?

Printing Press

4. What was the first commercially sold steam engine device used for?

Pumping water

5. The creation of pottery is what many archeologists believe to be the activity that gave to creation to this technology.


6. What civilization invented the Catapult?


7. The Wright brothers are given credit to being the first inventors to take flight.  What were their first names?

Orville and Wilbur

8.  The invention of this was serendipitous, and happened when Alexander Flemming accidentally left a window open and contaminated a Petri dish in his lab in 1928.


9. This colossal engineering feat is what allowed people to heavily colonize the western United States after the 1930s.

Hoover Dam

10. The creation of the internet accelerated when LANs evolved into WANs.  What does WAN stand for?

Wide Area Network

Well, did you learn anything new from these free trivia questions about technology trivia: movies about tech, hardware, software, and pivotal tech moments? We hope so. We strive to provide information about the random, absurd, and deviant. And yes… we understand that just like in bar trivia, there are those who wish to contest the answers or give their unsolicited opinions about whether or not the questions are fair, accurate or displeasing.

At the bar we can publicly denounce you as a heckler and shame you into taking your seat. On the internet, it is not so easy. So with that in mind, if you have comments, heckles or unsolicited feedback, there is room for it below. Just don’t be a dick about it!