90’s Movies Trivia: Movie Quotes, Sex, Drugs, and Fighting

Free Trivia Questions about 90's movies

Learn what movie talks about fuckin’ shineboxes, which movie has Kevin Spacey’s character bang a cheerleader, and an obscure quote from Wooderson from Dazed and Confused. These free trivia questions about 90’s Movies: Movie Quotes, Sex, Drugs, and Fighting should get you to bust a move and do the Carlton, Cabbage Patch or Roger Rabbit. If you have other trivia questions you want to add about crude movie quotes, famous movie sex scenes, movies about drugs, or sweet fight scenes, please include the questions in the comments below.

Part 1: Trivia About 90’s Movie Quotes

Did you know that Natalie Portman was original cast as Juliet opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in the 90’s movie Romeo + Juliet? In the trivia below, we will give you the 90’s movie quote and you have to guess the movie. Good Luck! Enjoy these free trivia questions about 90’s movie quotes.

1. “Oh, you were finished.  Well allow me to retort”

Pulp Fiction

2. “Grab your Fuckin Shinebox”


3. All major theme parks have delays. When they opened Disneyland in 1956, nothing worked!”

Jurassic Park

4. “Ned, Ned Ryarson, needle nose ned”

Groundhog Day

5. “Andy Dufresne, who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side”

Shawshank Redemption

6. “I don’t handle money, I don’t turn on the oven, and I sure as shit *don’t fucking roll*

The Big Lebowski

7. “I can open your eyes, Take you wonder by wonder Over, sideways and under”


8. “I made my family disappear”


9. What coffee company’s slogan is – “Good to the last drop”?

Maxwell House

10. Before you get the brown/black coffee beans at the store, they are actually the pit of a berry that is what color when ripe?


Part 2: Trivia About 90’s Movie Sex Scenes

Did you know that in the movie Basic Instinct, Sharon Stone flashes her vagina while being interviewed by the cops? Enjoy these free trivia questions about 90’s movie sex scenes.

1. In what movie does Kevin Spacey has sex scene with a teenage cheer leader?

American Beauty

2. The sex scene in this movie involves pottery?


3. What is the actor’s full name who asks Nadia if she needs a hand in American Pie?

Jason Biggs

4. What Baywatch and Motley Crew stars produced a sex tape?

Pamela Anderson & Tommy lee

5. In what movie do Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock have sex without touching each other?

Demolition Man

6. What is the name of the lioness that Simba wants to bang?


7. What movie is this sex scene quote from “I bet that never happened in home economics?”

Forrest Gump

8. In the 1994 remake of the movie Maverick, what is the actress’s name that Maverick sleeps with?

Jodi Foster

9.  In the movie Scream, they say that virgins don’t get murdered.  What is the first name of Nev Cambell’s character in Scream ?


10. This movie is about unemployed British guys who decide to develop a male striptease act to earn money.

The Full Monty

Part 3: Trivia About 90’s Movie With Drugs

Did you know that loosing your ability to control your bowels is one of the symptoms of coming down off heroin? In the movie Trainspotting there is a scene where someone’s shit literally hits the fan. We hope you enjoy these free trivia questions about 90’s movie drug scenes.

1. Complete this next line from the movie Dazed and Confused: Wooderson – “Say man, you got a joint” Mitch – “no, not on me man.” Wooderson – ?

“It’d be a lot cooler if you did”

2. What movie stars a Jedi Knight as a troubled youth addicted to heroin?

Trainspotting – Ewan McGregor

3. This two letter movie title featured a 24hr period where a group of kids tried to score some ecstasy for a rave?


4. What 90’s movie is this quote from? “You’re fuckin up the rotation.  Puff puff give.”


5. In the movie Pulp Fiction, Marcellus Wallace’s wife ODs and almost dies, expect for the adrenaline shot that saved her life.  What is Mrs Wallace’s first name?


6.  What drug does Alonzo trick officer Hoyte into smoking in the movie Training Day?

PCP/Angel dust

7.  The drug escapades of a journalist and his sidekick are documented in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, starring Johnny Depp and this actor, who plays Dr. Gonzo?

Benicio Del Torro/em>

8. In this movie, Harrison Ford, playing Jack Ryan, takes down the Colombian drug cartel

Clear and Present Danger

9.In the movie the Matrix, what is the color of the pill that Neo takes in order to wake up from the matrix and enter the real world?


10. What quote is this movie from – “Okay, Well, Swear On This Banana Split That You Don’t Do Marijuana.”

Half Baked

Part 4: Trivia About 90’s Movie With Fighting

Did you know that the movie Street Fighter, based on the Nintendo game, came out in 1994 and starred Jean-Claude Van Damme. It was horrible, don’t watch it. We hope you enjoy these free trivia question about 90’s movie with fighting.

1. Robert the Bruce leads the charge in the final fight scene in this movie?


2. What movie states that the first and second rule are to not talk about the title of the movie?

Fight Club

3.  What is the name of the character who worked at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation, who the terminator tries to kill in Terminator 2?

Miles Dyson

4. What song is playing in the back ground when Mr White cuts off the ear of the cop in the film Reservoir Dogs?

Stuck in the middle

5. What movie suggests that to diffuse a hostage situation, you should shoot the hostage?


6. What is the name of the gang that yells Bangarang, when they start a fight?

The Lost boys

7. In what movie does one of the characters go to the bathroom and get himself pumped for a fight by saying “I see pride, I see power, I see a bad ass mudda who don’t take no crap off no body”

Cool Runnings

8. What Character kills Johnny Ringo at the end of the movie Tombstone?

Doc Holiday

9. Who does Keanu Reeves co-star in point break, where they fight bank robbing, surfer, bad guys?

Gary Busy

10. Who is the main antagonist in Batman Returns?

The Penguin

Well, did you learn anything new from these free trivia questions about 90’s movies: movie quotes, sex, drugs, and fighting? We hope so. We strive to provide information about the random, absurd, and deviant. And yes… we understand that just like in bar trivia, there are those who wish to contest the answers or give their unsolicited opinions about whether or not the questions are fair, accurate or displeasing.

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